Build and share incredible data stories.

Bring community data to life with visualizations
In just a few clicks you'll unlock insights about the places that matter to you most.
Pull from 40+ sources & 4+ billion data points to create maps, charts, correlations, and more visualizations.
Easily analyze data relationships with tools like time series and bivariate maps.
- Add context, media, and narratives that reflect the unique aspects of your community and initiatives.

Start from best practice with helpful templates
Curated by data and industry experts, build stories from report and dashboard templates about topics communities care about most.
- Start building data stories with pre-loaded data and insights.
- Leverage solutions backed by industry standards and used by communities across the country.

Build trust through transparency
Make publishing data practical and straightforward with one-click sharing to your team, organization, stakeholders, or the public.
Quickly publish and embed data stories into URLs, PDFs, images, and data export options.
Communicate updates and progress that add context and connect data to community goals in multiple formats.
Beautiful Visualizations
Create clear, functional, and appealing maps and visualizations that make data impactful.
Accessible & Mobile-Friendly
Publish data stories with responsive design, screen reader compatibility, and WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliance.
Draw Custom Geographies
Quickly find and visualize data for small and custom locations with intuitive drawing tools.
Text & Multimedia
Add context to data using copy, images, video, links, and more in your work.
Public or Private URLs
Communicate data quickly and clearly with your stakeholders, team, and community.
Export PDFs, Images, & Data
Open up access to accurate information with PDF sharing, image exports, and data downloads.

Make a difference with mySidewalk.
What our customers are saying about Chart.

Stephany De Scisciolo
Enterprise Community Partners
Working with mySidewalk has allowed us to operationalize community data in a way that’s accessible to everyone who reviews it. mySidewalk really democratizes data. They don’t just publish information, they help you understand it.

Juliann Van Liew
WYCO UG Public Health Dept
The most important thing for me, as the dashboard point person within our health department, was that I didn't have to build it alone. I was able to do it in concert with a team of folks who were invested in ensuring we ended up with a high quality product.

Paul Flavien
Broward Metropolitan Planning Org
Using this tool helps us create better transparency, increase stakeholder buy-in, and saves us several hours a week. It’s just so user-friendly and easy for us to use. We also love that the data is easy to share and download. Those things are huge value-adds for us.

Silvio Lanzas
Glendale Fire Department
The most measurable impact has been the reduction in our turnout times. But, I would go a little deeper and say that it has helped me change the culture of our organization. mySidewalk has allowed me to show why we do what we do--and that’s a big, big impact.

Mark Barham
City of Williamsburg, Virginia
One of the big reasons we chose mySidewalk were all of these incredible datasets that they provide. The federal and state-level demographic information is so helpful. Our previous tool didn’t offer that kind of out-of-the-box data; we wouldn’t have known where to find it, even if we’d had the time to look – which we didn’t.