
Our mission at mySidewalk is to democratize data. We believe that data in the right hands can change the world, so we’re working every day to make data more accessible for everyone.

Nearly 1 in 5 Americans is living with a disability.

Just like we can't imagine a government building in 2022 not having wheelchair accessibility, we believe everyone should have equal access to the information we enable our clients to share publicly.

Our entire platform and all of our shareable documents are fully ADA-compliant, meet WCAG Version 2.0 Level AA accessibility guidelines, and are built with consideration for physical and visual impairments.

mySidewalk is committed to not only meeting accessibility standards but to continually improving the user experience for everyone. Read more about our commitment to accessibility here. Or check out some of the ways we have made our platform more accessible to everyone below.


Fully Responsive Shared Reports and Boards

Our shared reports and dashboards work at any mobile or desktop screen size. Text can be magnified without breaking the site layout.

Compatible with Assistive Technologies

Shared reports and dashboards are compatible with keyboard-only navigation and assistive technologies such as screen readers, text-to-braille software, and switch access devices.

Accessibility-Friendly Data Tables

Charts can be viewed as an accessibility-friendly data table.

Accessibility Visualization Descriptions

App users can provide descriptive text to all charts and maps describing the intent of the visualization.

Data Export

If an app user decides to enable data export, all maps and charts can have their underlying data downloaded as a standard CSV file for easy consumption.

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